• D-204, 2nd Floor. Karampura-110015
  • +91-8178909033

Vendor Agreement is a legal document which stipulates the provisions regarding the work performed by the vendor. It is a contract which specifies the conditions regarding the performance of certain work. Vendor Agreement can be made for many purposes like office supplies, consultant, technology, services. While negotiating a clear vendor agreement one clearly puts the goals, strategies for cost minimization risk factor.

Points to Remember while Makimg Vendor Agreement

While making a Vendors Agreement both parties should keep following things in mind:

  • There date of the agreement & the date of providing services or delivery of goods should be given in the Agreement.
  • The Precise time of the delivery should be given in the agreement.
  • Location where the service has been provided
  • Statement of Work without which a Vendors Agreement is treated as inoperative.



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