• D-204, 2nd Floor. Karampura-110015
  • +91-8178909033

TDS returns summarize the total TDS deducted transactions in the quarter. They are also disclosed in the payee’s Form 26AS. In case of non-furnishing of TDS payment, there will be a hefty penalty.

Who is Eligible for TDS Return?

TDS returns should be filed by 

  1. employers/organisations that possess a valid PAN,  
  2. Professionals who pay tax under 44AB
  3. Holding office under government or companies 

TDS should be deducted from salary income, income received on securities, insurance commission etc. 

Rate of TDS Deduction

TDS deducted are different for different types of incomes. TDS rates ranges from 1% to 30% depending on the transactions. 

Due Date to File TDS Returns

  • For Quarter 1 - 31st July
  • Quarter 2 - 31st October 
  • Quarter 3 - 31st January
  • Quarter 4 - 31st  May 

Prerequisites for Uploading TDS Returns

Before you start uploading the return, you must ensure the following.

  • You must hold a valid TAN and it should be registered for e-filing
  • Your TDS statements should be prepared using Return Preparation Utility (RPU) and validated using File Validation Utility (FVU)
  • You can prepare your returns in an easy manner using ClearTDS
  • You should have a valid DSC registered for e-filing if you wish to upload using DSC
  • The principal contact’s bank account or Demat account details should be provided or the principal contact’s PAN should be linked with Aadhar if you wish to upload using EVC



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