Trademark Registration
File trademark to protect your brand name / logo
Starting At: Rs. 1,599 + Govt. Fees
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Trade Mark Registration in India
Trade Mark: A trade mark can be a word, logo, symbol, label, shape, smell, combination of colours etc. and acts as a source indicator and refers to the origin of goods or services. Trade mark can either be a word mark or a device mark. A word mark essentially denotes words/letters in a non stylised manner. On the other hand device mark comprises artistic features or unique colour combination
Service Mark: A trademark pertaining to services is known as service mark.
Trade Mark Classification: The Trade Mark Registry, for the purpose of registration has classified goods and services under 45 classes in accordance with the Nice Classification. Class 1 to 34 refers to goods and class 35 to 45 refers to services.
Trade Mark Search: It is advisable to conduct a pre-registration search at the Trade Mark Registry to find out about the pre existence of deceptively similar and confusing marks. The search is conducted so that the Applicant is aware of the probable objections or oppositions that may be initiated against the prospective trademark.
Trade Mark Filing: An application is to be filed under the Trademarks Act and the Trademarks Rules. The following documents are required for the filing of an Application:
Application for Registration- Full description of the Applicants to be provided.
User detail – The user date should denote the month and date of first use in India. Conversely it can be on “proposed to be used”basis.
Priority Claim – Priority claim in relation to foreign applications is to be filed within 6 months from the date of filing of the trade mark in the parent country.
Additional Representations- Refers to the document which contains further information about the Applicant.
Power of Attorney- To be filed along with the application duly executed by the Applicant in favour of the trademark attorney.
Trade Mark Prosecution
Examination Report and reply to Examination Report: Upon Application, the Registrar shall cause the application to be examined and shall issue an Examination Report to the Applicant stating his objections, if any; and, the reply must be submitted within a month from the date of issuing of the Examination Report.
Advertisement in Trade Mark Journal: As and when the objections are waived after receiving the reply followed by hearing, the application will be accepted for advertisement in the Trademarks Journal