• D-204, 2nd Floor. Karampura-110015
  • +91-8178909033

Section 8 Company Registration

Ideal business structure for NGO’s and Non Profit Organizations
Starting At Rs. 25,250
SAVE 60% COST…!!!
(Takes < 20 days)



What is Section 8 Company Registration

  • A Section 8 Company is an organization which is registered as a Non-Profit Organization (NPO). NPO/company has its objective of promotion of arts, commerce, charity, education, protection of environment, science, social welfare, sports, research, religion and intends to apply its profits, if any, or other income in promoting its objects. It functions exactly like a limited company including all the rights and obligations that come with such a company. However, it differs from a company in one very crucial aspect, i.e. it cannot use the words “Section 8” or “Limited” in its name.
  • The income of the Company must be used to promote only charitable objects and cannot pay any dividend to the member.


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